Organic & Local Ingredients, Always

Eros & Valentine's Day
Self-love creates the foundation of everything good in life. We created this one for you - to love you! We want to change & illuminate the importance of showing oneself love first & foremost.
- From Us, to You

All You Need is Love, Plants & A little Chocolate
Botanical Offerings
Customers Absolute Favorites

Aphrodisiac & Immunity
Chocolate Bars | Fat Bombs
Lifter CBD, Cocoa butter, Coconut Mana & Oil, Cacao, Cinnamon, Sea Salt, Maca, Maple, Lions Mane & Turkey Tail Mushrooms
Deeper Intimacy, Deeper Care
Botanical & Herbal Care

Shifting the Paradigm: Co-Creating
The purpose of our work at Moon Rise Botanicals, is to create & hold space for the process of gentle curiosity about internal change to unfold
Send an inquiry about working together to reach your wellness goals moonrisebotanicals2020@gmail.com

Tulsi & Ashwagandha 500mg CBD oil
Tulsi, CBD & Ashwagandha are potent adaptogenic herbs, meaning that they naturally enhance the body’s resilience & adaptation to change
Ashwagandha provides a long-term, sustainable source of energy, by supporting the adrenal glands from over-exertion & exhaustion. Read More:
Ashwagandha - Scientific Evaluation
Tulsi promotes well-being & resilience.
It has many excellent benefits:
CBD is widely known to ease discomfort & tension,
while uplifting mood, lending to a balanced state of mind

JUST AS nature intended

St. Johns Wort & Calendula Body Oil
Cancer New Moon, Aquarius Full Moon & Leo New Moon 21'
Wild Harvested VT St. Johns Wort flowers, Whole Mugwort PLant & Organic Calendula flowers slow heat infused into Organic Sunflower & Olive oils
It has been known for some time, that body oiling is the best way to reach the nervous system for deep nourishment

We pride ourselves on our small batches of hand-crafted oils, salves, balms, chocolates & Herbal Products. We use only organic, sustainably sourced ingredients & local Vermont grown & wild-harvested herbs. We strive for all of our herbs to be local, homegrown, dried & processed by hand. We use both wild-harvested & source from Foster Farm Botanicals, supporting a local VT herb farm

Body Oils & Skin Care
Body oil is a highly effective way to feed the skin nutrients, to keep it healthy & vibrant. Not only is it crucial to maintain the beauty of the skin, it is also important to recognize the role it plays in our overall health. Being the largest organ of the body, as well as a gateway to the immune system, the skin needs proper nourishment. It has been proven that body oiling is the quickest & most deeply penetrating way to transport the beneficial properties of herbs into the body, especially to the nervous system. As mentioned above, CBD is widely known for its capacity to decrease discomfort and tension. It has also been known to uplift mood & relax
We infuse CBD with other herbs into oil, to create a delicious form of support for both specific and/or general areas of the body
We offer an array of luxuriously silky, smooth, aromatic body oils for both skin care & joint/muscle discomfort. We use only organic & natural ingredients, including cocoa butter, Coconut Oil, beeswax, vitamin E oil, local Vermont grown herbs, and essential oils. Our source of CBD uses all natural practices in growing and processing, providing a clean source of Cannabis
You can custom order an herbal oil blend with or without CBD, essential oil fragrance, and herbs from our small-batch apothecary, all locally grown & wild-harvested

Bridging Body & Spirit:
Flower Essences
We are offering three flower essence blends to help bring harmony & balance into your everyday life
Lupine & Self Heal
Lends to retraining the energy pathways that
feed fear and anxiety, toward responses rooted in peace & gratitude
Orange Hawkweed:
helps to manage the flow of our creative energies in constructive ways
Heart Mending Blend:
Helpful for processing loss & transition
What is a flower essence & how does it work?
Flower essences were brought into the mainstream by pathologist and physician Edward Bach. He had a profound understanding of the power in supporting the body’s natural energetic rhythms, perceiving illness as an imbalance between the energetic body or higher self, and the physical body. He knew that we are much more than just our physical bodies. We are Energy itself, and our bodies are affected by our emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
He was inspired to combine his knowledge of homeopathic medicine and the wonderful benefits of flowers, with the impact that emotions could have on a person’s health. Dr. Bach was far ahead of the curve, knowing that flowers had the power to remedy the energetic body, which could reduce physical diseases. Western medicine is just now beginning to see the link between emotions and diseases.
Naturally Simple